Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

EMSG20: Environmental Factors and Male Reproductive Functions. A Cohort Study of the Incidence of Cryptorchidism and Hypospadia in 5000 Newborn Boys in the Rotterdam Area

Principal Investigator

Dr. Rob Weber
Department of Andrology
Academic Hospital Dijkzigt
Dr. Molewaterplein 40
3015 GD Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +32 2 650 43 33
Fax: +32 2 650 43 24


This is a study of 10,000 men, their (pregnant) partners and their new-born children. Information will be collected on the incidence of urogenital disorders such as Cryptorchidism, Hypospadia, lifestyle, working conditions of the male partner and time to pregnancy. The quality of paternal semen will also be assessed. 

Related Publications


FH Pierik, A Burdorf, JA Deddens, RE Juttmann, RFA Weber. Maternal and Paternal Risk Factors for Cryptorchidism and Hypospadias: A Case-Control Study in Newborn Boys. Environ Health Perspect. 2004, 112, 1570-1576.

FH Pierik, A Burdof, JMR Nijman, SMPF de Muinek Keizer-Schrama, RE Juttman, RFA Weber. A high hypospadias rate in The Netherlands. Hum Reprod. 2002, 17, 1112-1115.

RFA Weber, FH Pierik, GR Dohle, A Burdorf. Environmental influences on male reproduction. BJU Int. 2002, 89, 143-148.

Pierik FH, Burdorf A, de Muinck Keizer-Schrama SMPF, Wolffenbuttel KP, Nijman JMR, Juttmann RE, Weber RFA. The cryptorchidism prevalence among infants in the general population of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Int J Androl. 2005 Aug;28(4):248-52.


Frank H. Pierik FH, James A. Deddens JA, Burdorf A, de Muinck Keizer-Schrama SM, de Jong FH, Weber RFA. The hypothalamus-pituitary-testis axis in boys younger than 6 months: a comparison of cases with cryptorchidism or hypospadias versus controls. Submitted


LRI funding: €611,200

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