Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council
More than 10 years

Expertise in

environment & health research

Improve regulatory framework

Improve regulatory framework

of the chemical industry in Europe

Understand the impact of chemicals

Understand the impact of chemicals

on human health and the environment

About Cefic-LRI

A responsible approach to assessing the long-term impacts of chemicals

Public awareness of the potential impact of human activity and man-made substances on the environment and on health is something the chemical industry has long taken seriously. As early as 1996, the need to address societal concerns and help public understanding of the long-term impacts led to the establishment of the Long-range Research Initiative (LRI) programme in the US.


The LRI’s aim is to respond to public and stakeholder concerns through rigorous scientific investigation. Over the years it has become a unique source of knowledge and tools, providing a validated infrastructure of scientific advice available to both the industry and regulatory bodies. In this way, the LRI helps to provide timely and accurate information in response to the public’s questions and concerns.


To help address some of European public health strategy priorities, LRI conducts peer-reviewed transparent research to:

  • Improve risk assessment of chemicals and monitor the effects of chemicals on health;
  • Understand the environmental factors in human health;
  • Establish endocrine disruption references;
  • Coordinate research, data and activities at a European level.

LRI also addresses many of the environmental objectives of the EU, including:

  • Linking environmental factors to health effects;
  • Understanding and reducing chemical risks to environment;
  • Improving and advancing chemical risk assessment methods.
Cefic-Lri Programme Responsible Care

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