Every year, the LRI program announces Requests for Proposals (RfPs), inviting research organizations to respond to the call for research in specific areas.
The 2024 LRI grant opportunities are now open! Check out the RfPs here and apply by July 31,2024.
Before submitting a proposal, candidates are advised to read the Cefic-LRI guidelines to applicants, with all the information about the monitoring, budget, eligibility, project duration, proposal guidance, review and other criteria for allocation of funding.
To apply for a grant, applicants must fill the Project Proposal Form ** with the details of the proposed research project to be considered for funding.
Project proposals in response to the RfPs must be sent to lri@cefic.be.
The LRI alerts the scientific community by e-mail, therefore, if you wish to be included in our mailing list, please register here to our mailing list.
** Due to a critical situation with Chrome, we advise using IE, Firefox, or Safari for an optimal browsing experience and to download the form.