Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

Policy cooperation

The LRI programme’s fundamental objective is to link research to practice and policy, and in particular to advance approaches for the scientific assessment of the safety of chemicals as well as to improve our understanding of the potential health and environmental risks.

By fostering innovative research, we help improve the information needed for science-based decision making, as well as building inter-disciplinary and international scientific networks and engaging with partners around the world to link research to practice and policy.

The LRI program is tailored to adapt to changing issues in chemical safety assessment, to improve consumer confidence in our products, and to support our goal to be the leader in chemical safety assessment research.

Recently, we have aimed to contribute at a regulatory level in the areas of read-across, skin sensitisation, and bioaccumulation. While regulatory agencies require extensive animal testing, alternative methods may also be used. In this context, LRI and its network have made key advances with ECHA both in non-testing by read-across and in-vitro testing for skin sensitization. Additionally, the LRI works closely with ECHA and Member States in the area of environmental bioaccumulation.

The LRI also creates momentum on key science issues such as evaluating quality of epidemiology studies, leading the way on eco-system impact assessment of chemicals, making sense of 21st century toxicity data, and understanding societal acceptance of new chemical technologies through benefits and risk governance.


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