Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

Complex environments

ECO64: POLY-DEG-SOLve – Applicability and improvements of OECD (bio)degradation testing for water-soluble polymers

In order to tackle the scientific gaps, the research project has the following objectives: -The identification, selection and 14C-synthesis of water-soluble polymers that are representative for polymers applied in consumer and daily care products with different chemistries and biodegradation profiles […]

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ECO54: Developing a tiered modeling framework in support of risk assessment of chemical substances associated with mobility concerns

Persistent, mobile, and toxic (PMT) chemicals, including but not limited to plant protection products, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products, are perceived as an emerging threat to aquatic environments and drinking water quality [1]. Due to their high polarity and water […]

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ECO53 – CC-ALT: A Chemical Categorisation Approach for Long- Range Transport Assessment

This project seeks to distinguish between four categories of chemicals that differ fundamentally in their LRT characteristics, and therefore require different, but complementary tools for LRTP assessment.

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ECO52 – Bioavailability, complex substances and overall persistence (BCOP): three themes to deliver a step-change in persistence assessments

This project seeks to explore opportunities to improve weight-of-evidence approaches in persistence assessment by incorporating the latest scientific developments in bioavailability, complex substances and overall persistence.

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ECO47 – SNAPFISH: Searching for refiNed in vitro Approaches to Predict bioconcentration in FISH

Chemical regulations require information as to whether a chemical is bioaccumulative. Steady-state bioconcentration factors (BCFs) in fish reflect the net result of the various chemical uptake versus loss processes and can be determined directly.

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ECO50 – Incorporating spatial and seasonal variability in community sensitivity into chemical risk assessment (GETREAL)

GETREAL will provide this information on the variability in chemical sensitivity and explore its consequences for risk assessment.

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ECO49 – Microplastic Effect Thresholds for Aquatic Species (METAS)

Microplastics research has grown substantially over the past years due to concerns with the public, the scientific community and environmentalist groups. They are often detected in environmental compartments but the hazards and risks they pose are debated and largely unknown.

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ECO48 – NANO2PLAST: Extending nanoparticle models to open source models of the fate and transport of microplastic in aquatic systems

Plastic pollution has become a major environmental concern among the public and government agencies, and in recent years the presence of microplastics in aquatic and terrestrial systems worldwide has received increasing attention.

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ECO44 – A toxicokinetic mammalian modelling framework for bioaccumulation assessment

The general objective of this project is to build a toxicokinetic (TK) modelling framework for mammals and develop and integrate various data streams for mammalian B assessment. This research will expand the development, evaluation, and application of the CEFIC-LRI funded […]

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