Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council


ECO64: POLY-DEG-SOLve – Applicability and improvements of OECD (bio)degradation testing for water-soluble polymers

In order to tackle the scientific gaps, the research project has the following objectives: -The identification, selection and 14C-synthesis of water-soluble polymers that are representative for polymers applied in consumer and daily care products with different chemistries and biodegradation profiles […]

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ECO24-UFZ: Computer based prediction of the formation of Non-Extractable Residues (NER) of xenobiotics and their metabolites in soils and sediments with regard to their environmental hazard

The objective of this project is to define alerts from (sub)structures of environmental chemicals to predict the formation of non-extractable residues (NER) and their metabolites in soils and sediments. The intention is to provide a computerized tool to predict whether […]

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ECO25-ALTER: Development of Soup Tests for the Risk assessment of NER in Soil

In order to fully test the NER for its potential ecotoxicity, an evaluation of extracted residues will also be performed. Currently there are no standard methods, except for isolation and testing of each transformation product. An approach that tests the […]

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