Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

Complex environments

LRI AWARD 2010: In Quest of new fingerprints of exposure to VOC from consumer products

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are ubiquitous in indoor air and their origin is a plethora of various emission sources including building related materials, furniture, equipment and consumer and household related products. Currently, there is international recognition of the contribution of […]

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LRI AWARD 2013: Environmental programming of respiratory allergy in childhood: the applicability of saliva to study the effect of environmental exposures on DNA methylation

Environmental exposures during fetal and early life may contribute to complex disease later in life such as allergic diseases (AD), neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. The underlying mechanisms are still undiscovered, but changes in the epigenetic regulation of gene expression (such […]

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Q3-UMA: Sound Science: Selective citation in science based decision-making

The European Chemical Industry Council has provided funding to Maastricht University for a research project on Research Integrity by exploring one of the most suspected contributors to questionable research practices: selective citation. It is generally accepted that scientific papers should […]

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C3-ED: A comprehensive Epigenomic profile of liver tissue from Rat and Mouse

This project will apply a comprehensive strategy to characterise and curate genome wide methylomes in liver tissues from rats and mouse. This will involve correlation of the profiles generated with public data sets for RNA expression (transcriptomics) and histone modification profiles […]

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AIMT4-UM: DECO2: Moving from DECO towards OECD

The aim of this project is to establish a framework for tools usable in integrated approaches. For this, efforts in our previous DECO project (CEFIC-LRI AIMT3 grant) will be advanced. DECO focused on the prediction of in vivo repeated dose […]

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EMSG58-MNEGRI: Human adverse health effects of endocrine active substances: assessment of the quality of individual epidemiological studies and of the overall mechanistic and epidemiologic evidence

The project's objective is to develop a systematic evaluation scheme to assess the quality and reliability of the epidemiological evidence for endocrine active substances to exert adverse effects based on an endocrine mode of action. This scheme is then to […]

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EMSG57-LAKIND: Endocrine disruptors and obesity, diabetes and heart disease: State of the science and biological plausibility

This project builds on (i) the lessons learned from the recently completed work on methodologic issues affecting epidemiologic research on BPA and (ii) the findings of the project (conducted under Cefic-LRI EMSG54) related to the importance of harmonization of epidemiologic methods for […]

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AIMT2-TNO: Mechanism-based characterisation of systemic toxicity for RepDose database substances employing in vitro toxicogenomics

Many in vitro toxicogenomics initatives so far focus on the overlap between in vitro mechanistic responses and in vivo toxicity, but are primarily concerned with mechanistic studies and hazard identification. Purpose of this study is to extend this towards applications of […]

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EMSG55-CEFAS: Critical evaluation of individual and combined natural and synthetic endocrine active compounds in fish: an in vitro & in vivo approach

The overall goal of this project is to characterize the potential in vitro and in vivo activities of plant-derived endocrine active compounds (EACs) versus synthetic substances and to evaluate potential combinatory effects of relevance to fish reproductive health. In particular, the […]

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EMSG56-BASF: Combined Low-dose Exposures to Anti-androgenic Substances

Considering the available definitions of endocrine disrupting compounds (Weybridge, 1996 and WHO/IPCS, 2002) it is recommended to follow an appropriate experimental design, duration of exposure, and completeness of relevant endpoints (OECD, 2002). As expected human exposures to chemicals, pesticides, biocides, […]

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