Principal Investigator
Fax: +31-43-3884146
Dr Grace Patlewicz, Senior Computational Toxicologist, DuPont Haskell Global Centers for Human Health and Environmental Sciences,
The aim of this project is to establish a framework for tools usable in integrated approaches. For this, efforts in our previous DECO project (CEFIC-LRI AIMT3 grant) will be advanced. DECO focused on the prediction of in vivo repeated dose liver toxicity. Initial results (see ANNEX2) already show that data integration generates clusters of substances with similar toxicity, and a significantly improved liver toxicity prediction. A transparent infrastructure (DIAMONDS) capable of collecting and integrating HT/HC data, was developed demonstrating how repeated dose toxicity may be predicted.
Endpoints besides liver toxicity will now include kidney toxicity, (non-genotoxic) carcinogenicity and developmental toxicity. Given the challenges in justifying read-across for absence of toxicity, attention will be paid towards identifying a selection of chemicals that display no explicit adverse effects.
Related Publications
Danyel Jennen, Jan Polman, Joost van Delft, Eugene van Someren, Rob Stierum, Dinant Kroese, Gina Montoya-Parra, Hennicke Kamp. 2014. Data-integration of endpoints, cheminformatics and omics. Toxicology Letters 09/2014; 229:S4–S5.
Rob H Stierum, E Dinant Kroese, Jack TWE Vogels, Harrie Buist, Danyel GJ Jennen, Eugene P van Someren. The DIAMONDS platform: Providing Decision Support for Toxicological Assessment based on Integration of Structural, Toxicological and Biomarker information. In: Handbook of Biomarkers and Precision Medicine; Carini, C., Fidock, M., Gool, A. van, Eds.; Taylor & Francis: Boca Raton, 2019.
Danyel Jennen, Jos Kleinjans, Eugene van Someren2, Rob Stierum, Dinant Kroese, Gina Montoya-Parra, Hennicke Kamp3, Grace Patlewicz. DECO2: Moving from DECO towards OECD. Cefic-LRI 16th Annual Workshop, November 2014, Brussels, Belgium.