Principal Investigator
Fax: +1 410.788.8639
Donald R. Mattison, MD, Risk Sciences International, USA,
This project builds on (i) the lessons learned from the recently completed work on methodologic issues affecting epidemiologic research on BPA and (ii) the findings of the project (conducted under Cefic-LRI EMSG54) related to the importance of harmonization of epidemiologic methods for weight-of-evidence assessment. This relevant experience will be used to examine in detail the studies of endocrine disruptors in relation to obesity, diabetes and heart disease.
This project addresses the RfP pbjectives in three phases that will bring a fresh perspective to the complex and important issue of exogenous endocrine disruptors as determinants of human health outcomes:
Phase 1: Critical literature review and meta-analysis with 1 or 2 exemplar chemicals: Assessment of consistency across results and sufficiency of evidence for a given chemical.
Phase 2: Critical examination of methodologic issues affecting epidemiologic research on endocrine-active environmental chemicals: Assessment of the relation between study methods and reported findings.
Phase 3: Evaluation of biological plausibility: Assessment of epidemiological and clinical trial findings with chemical and pharmacologic mechanisms of action using exemplar drugs.
Related Publications
. Bisphenol A and indicators of obesity, glucose metabolism/type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease: A systematic review of epidemiologic research. Crit Rev Toxicol. 2014 Feb;44(2):121-50.
. Do phthalates act as obesogens in humans? A systematic review of the epidemiological literature. Crit Rev Toxicol. 2014 Feb;44(2):151-75.
(2014). Pharmaco- and toxicokinetics of selected exogenous and endogenous estrogens: A review of the data and identification of knowledge gaps. Crit Rev Toxicol. 2014 Sep;44(8):696-724.
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