Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

Complex environments

HBM1-UCRA: A Framework for the Development and Application of Environmental Biological Monitoring Guidance Values

Biomonitoring is a useful tool to aid the assessment of exposure to many chemical substances but currently our ability to detect hazardous substances (or their metabolites and effects) may often exceed our understanding of the biological relevance of these results. […]

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EMSG44: Impact of physiological, lifestyle and environmental factors on the development of puberty

Puberty is the transitional period from childhood to adulthood. At puberty onset, a change in the set point (sensitivity) of the so-called ”gonadostat”, which is located in the hypothalamus, occurs. During childhood, small amounts of sex hormones produced in steroid […]

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CC3-ICL: Assessment of risk factors influencing trends in incidence of female breast carcinoma

There is a large body of literature published in peer-reviewed journals that report risk factors for breast cancer. Whilst studies continue to be reported that provide further evidence of an association between breast cancer incidence and established causal agents related […]

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B5-CERTH: Realistic estimation of exposure to substances from multiple sources (TAGS)

Exposure to chemical agents originates either from environmental contamination (air, water), or from consumer products (food contact materials, construction materials, cosmetics, clothes, etc.) through multiple routes, namely inhalation, ingestion and dermal contact. Aggregate exposure, i.e. the quantitative exposure assessment to […]

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B4-THL: Integrated exposure for risk assessment in indoor environments (INTERA)

Exposure to indoor air contaminants is one of the major sources of exposure to environmental health stressors, especially given that people spend the majority of their time indoors. Indoor air quality is determined by the ability of outdoor source pollutants […]

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B6-DOW: Improved hazard assessment of chemical sensitizers through testing of novel markers

The specific objectives of this project are as follows: - to provide genome-wide maps of kinetic changes in gene expression induced in draining lymph nodes following exposure of mice to a panel of selected chemicals (comprising chemicals known to cause […]

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EMSG38: Review of the Relative Contribution of Industrial Chemicals, Compared to Steroids, in Causing the Sexual Disruption in Wild Fish Populations

Steroidal estrogens, originating principally from human excretion, are likely to play a major role in causing widespread endocrine disruption in wild populations of the roach (Rutilus rutilus), a common cyprinid fish, in rivers contaminated by treated sewage effluents. Given the […]

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ECO6-CSL: Identifying Transgeneric Biotransformational Potential

When aquatic organisms are exposed to chemicals in the environment, some of these chemicals maybe universally metabolised, whilst others are either metabolised by specific species/taxa or are non-metabolisable and therefore may bioaccumulate. The objective of this work was to develop […]

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D2.1-MRCI: Background Incidence of Key Biomarkers of Chemical Exposure within the General Population

The science of biomarkers and measurement of exposures via biomarkers has progressed substantially in the past ten years, resulting in several occupational exposure limits being set on the basis of biomarker measurement, and the acceptance of biomarkers as measurement of […]

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EMSG27: Environmental Effects on Uterine Tissues of Baltic Seals With Special Emphasis on Organochlorines and Uterine Leiomyomas

The study investigated whether leiomyomas in grey seals, collected during the period of decreased levels of organo-chlorines, were in a regressive phase; and whether the period of increased levels of organo-chlorines caused the leiomyomas to proliferate. In addition, in vitro […]

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