Dr. Wibke Busch was awarded the €100,000 LRI Innovative Science award, one of Europe’s largest research grants for early career scientists. The award ceremony of Cefic’s 18th Annual Long-Range Initiative (LRI) Workshop took place in Brussels on November 16, 2016.
Wibke Busch studied process engineering and biotechnology in Dresden and Jena (Germany) and was graduated as engineer, with a focus on biotechnology, in 2005. She received her PhD from the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg in 2010 for her studies in the field of molecular nanotoxicology which she performed at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ in Leipzig (Germany) in the Department of Cell Toxicology. She received the SETAC GLB best PhD thesis award in 2011. Since 2010 she has been working at the UFZ in the Department of Bioanalytical Ecotoxicology where she established her own research group which is focused on the identification and understanding of mechanisms of toxic action of chemicals. Applying “omics” techniques as well as bioinformatics and modelling approaches she investigates molecular kinetic and dynamic processes and develops strategies for mode-of-action-based hazard assessment.