Prof. Dr. Greet Schoeters is trained as a biologist and obtained a Ph.D at the University of Antwerp. She is program manager of environmental health at VITO (The Flemish Institute for Technological Research), professor at the department of biomedical sciences of the University of Antwerp where she coordinates a master’s program on environment and health and she holds a part time professorship at the University of Southern Denmark. She coordinates the Flemish human biomonitoring study (FLEHS) of the Flemish ministries of Environment and Health (2002-2015) and participated in the EU ESBIO and EU COPHES project to prepare a European human biomonitoring program. She was president of ESTIV (2008-2012), the European Society for Toxicology in Vitro and committed to initiatives for accelerating the transition to a toxicity pathway-based paradigm for chemical safety assessment as initiated by the EU AXLR8 project. She is member of the scientific committee of the European Environment Agency.