Principal Investigator
Dr. Paul Harrison MRC (Medical Research Council)
Institute for Environment and HealthUniversity of Leicester
94 Regent RoadLeicester LE1 7DD,
Tel: +44 116 223 1610
Substantial research has been underway for many years on the health effects of pollutants in domestic and commercial buildings. This project has developed a searchable database (termed IERIE) of recent, current and planned indoor environment research activities across Europe. Existing inventories of research and methods have been reviewed to identify key elements. A questionnaire has already been designed, tested and distributed to researchers. The ultimate aim is to facilitate dialogue between scientists, experts and stakeholders in this field, to help provide more focus and identify gaps for future research. A particular benefit of the tool is its ability to analyse work underway in topical research areas e.g. childrens’ health. The database has now become a useful tool for industry, the research community and governments to help in policy development and provide a clear picture of the major research issues. The database will be regularly updated and maintained to ensure its accuracy and value to users.