Principal Investigator
Prof. Nino Kuenzli
Division of Occupational and Environmental Health Keck
School of Medicine
University of Southern California
1540 Alcazar CHP 236
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Dr. Lucy Oglesby
Institute for Social Preventive Medicine – Environment & Health Division
Steinengraben 49
4051 Basel
Prof. Matti Jantunen – KTL –
Exposure assessment plays a key role in the risk assessment procedure. In order to quantify the associated risk and health impact of a possible pollutant, it is necessary to obtain a description of the full-range of exposure distribution. This project will use data from the EXPOLIS study (undertaken between 1996 and 1998 as part of the EU 4th Framework programme to describe exposure distributions of adult urban populations to key air pollutants) to assess the relative importance of indoor and outdoor sources of pollutants as well as individual activities for personal and indoor exposures. The observed general and centre-specific indoor exposure patterns will be translated into recommendations for exposure mitigation strategies. The proposed EXPOLIS-INDEX study builds a valid basis for a comprehensive description of current human indoor exposure patterns in Europe and will provide key information for human health risk assessment and public health policy planning purposes.
Related Publications
Otto Hänninen, Hanneke Kruize, Erik Lebret, Matti Jantunen.
EXPOLIS simulation model : PM 2.5 application and comparison with measurements in Helsinki.
Journal of Exposure and Environmental Epidemiology : Vol. 13, Issue 1, 74-85, January 2003.
ISEA LRI Workshop “Population Exposures in Europe” EXPOLIS-INDEX final report (October 2004)