Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

AIMT6-VITO: CON4EI: CONsortium for in vitro Eye Irritation testing strategy

Principal Investigator

Dr. An Van Rompay
Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO) – team ABS
Boeretang 200
2400 Mol
Tel: +32 (0) 14 33 52 46
Email: an.vanrompay@vito.be


1. Dr. Els Adriaens, CEO, Adriaens Consulting bvba, Belgium
2. Dr. Helena Kandarova, Executive Director, MatTek In Vitro Life Science Laboratories, Slovak Republic
3. Dr. Nathalie Alépée, Scientific coordinator, L’Oreal Research & Innovation, France
4. Dr. Przemysław Fochtman, Head of the Branch, Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry, Branch Pszczyna, Poland
5. Dr. Joke Lenoir, PostDoc researcher, Ghent University, Belgium
6. Dr. Sandra Verstraelen, Researcher, VITO, Belgium
7. Mrs. Christine Geldhof, Technical staff, Ghent University, Belgium


Measurement of ocular irritancy is a necessary step in the safety evaluation of both industrial and consumer products. Assessment of the acute eye irritation potential is therefore part of the international regulatory requirements for testing of chemicals.

This project will:

  1. Identify a set of 80 chemicals based on reliable existing in vivo and in vitro data on eye irritation.
  2. Assess the reliability of 8 in vitro test systems: 1) BCOP (Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability and 2) BCOP-LLBO (BCOP-laser light-based opacitometer), 3) ICE (Isolated Chicken Eye), 4) EpiOcular-EIT (EpiOcular Eye Irritation Test) 5) and EpiOcular-ET50, 6) SkinEthicTM HCE (Human Corneal Epithelial), 7) STE (Short Term Exposure), and 8) SMI (Slug Mucosal Irritation) to define eye irritation potential.
  3. Define applicability domains, strengths and limitations of the in vitro test systems.
  4. Proposal for a tiered-testing strategy for eye irritation assessment.



Related Publications


Willoughby J. A., Meyer B., Blakeman L., Adriaens E., Alépée N., Kandarova H., Drzewiecka A., Fochtman P., Gruszka K., Guest R., Maglennon G., Schofield J., Verstraelen S. and Van Rompay A. R., “CON4EI: Short Time Exposure (STE) Model“, published at EUROTOX event 5-7/09/2016.

Van Rompay A. R., Adriaens E., Alépée N., Hollanders K., Kandarova H., Drzewiecka A., Fochtman P., Gruszka K., Guest R., Maglennon G., Schofield J., Willoughby J. A. and Verstraelen S., “CON4EI: Is Skinethic HCE included in an integrated testing strategy for eye irritation assessment?”, published at EUROTOX event 5-7/09/2016.

Verstraelen S., Adriaens E., Hollanders K., Boonen F., Alepee N., Kandarova H., Drzewiecka A., Fochtman P., Gruszka K., Willoughby J. A., Guest R., Maglennon G., Schofield J. and Van Rompay A.R., “Is BCOP included in an integrated testing strategy for eye irritation assessment?“, published at EUROTOX event 5-7/09/2016.

Kandarova H., Van Rompay A., Adriaens E., Alepee N., Drzewiecka A., Fochtman P., Gruszka K., Guest R., Maglennon G., Schofield J., Willoughby J. A. and Verstraelen S. , “CON4EI: EpiOcular Eye Irritation Test (EIT)“, published at EUROTOX event 5-7/09/2016

Van Rompay A. R., Adriaens E. , Alépée N., Drzewiecka A., Fochtman P., Gruszka K., Guest R., Kandarova H., Baert M., Willoughby J. A. and Verstraelen S., “Consortium for in vitro Eye Irritation testing strategy“, published at Invitrom meeting 29/03/2015.

Timeline: March 2015 > March 2016

LRI funding: € 548.000

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