Principal Investigator
Dr Marja Lamoree
De Boelelaan 1087
1081 HV
The Netherlands
Tel. +31 20 5989573
Dr Katleen De Brouwere, Researcher, VITO (Flemish Institute for Technological Research), Mol, BE
Stuart Harrad, Professor, School of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, UK
Prof. Dr Cynthia de Wit, Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry (ACES), Stockholm University, Stockholm, SE
Prof. Dr Adrian Covaci, Professor, Toxicological Center, University of Antwerp, Wilrijk, BE
The last couple of years have seen substantial efforts expended on the development of sophisticated, high tier modelling of integrated exposure (including via indoor air), such as INTEGRA (developed in a CEFIC LRI project) and Merlin Expo; however these models have not yet been thoroughly tested for a wide range of chemicals, including these new chemicals. As many of them will be more polar or possess other properties than previously investigated (‘classical’) compounds, the existing models also need to be checked for their applicability to these new chemicals.
The following objectives have been set for this project:
- To provide an overview of existing information on chemicals found indoors by carrying out a literature search. This review will be mainly based on the ECHA chemicals database, results of ongoing and previous LRI projects, and peer reviewed literature.
- To carry out sampling and targeted analysis of emerging contaminants in dust and air of schools/daycare centers, homes and offices in various European countries.
- To conduct non-target screening of the same samples collected under objective 2 to identify additional contaminants and combinations of chemicals.
- To verify if existing exposure models can be used for the new chemicals found, and propose modifications to the models if needed.
- To compare the measured and modelled data with biomonitoring data from the literature and other projects in which partners are participating.
Related Publications
Lucattini L, Poma G, Covaci A, de Boer J, Lamoree MH, Leonards PEG. A review of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in the indoor environment: occurrence in consumer products, indoor air and dust. Chemosphere. 2018 Jun;201:466-482.
Christia C, Poma G, Harrad S, de Wit CA, Sjostrom Y, Leonards P, Lamoree M, Covaci A. Occurrence of legacy and alternative plasticizers in indoor dust from various EU countries and implications for human exposure via dust ingestion and dermal absorption. Environ Res. 2018 Nov 22;171:204-212.
Lamoree M, De Brouwere K, Harrad S, de Wit C, Covaci A, Leonards P, de Boer J. Target and non-target screening of chemicals in the indoor environment for human exposure assessment: SHINE. 26th Annual ISES Meeting, October 2016, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Christia C, Poma G, Covaci A. Brominated and organophosphorus flame retardants in indoor dust from Belgium: Exposure assessment via non dietary pathways. DioXin 2018 Symposium, August 2018, Krakow, Poland.
Christia C, Poma G, Harrad S, de Wit C, Leonards P, Lamoree M, Covaci A. Brominated and organophosphorus flame retardants in indoor dust from Belgium: Exposure assessment via non dietary pathways. DioXin 2018 Symposium, August 2018, Krakow, Poland.
De Brouwere K, Arnot J, Geerts L, Lamoree M, Li L. Evaluating the RAIDAR-ICE model with monitoring data of emerging SVOC compounds in the indoor environment. ISES ISIAQ 2019, August 2019, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Christia C, Poma G, Harrad S, de Wit C, Leonards P, Lamoree M, Covaci A. Suspect screening analysis in indoor dust & air from homes, offices and preschools using LC-QTOF-MS. DioXin 2019 Symposium, August 2019, Kyoto, Japan.