Principal Investigator
Prof. David Walters
School of Social Sciences
University of Cardiff
Glamorgan Building
King Edward VII Avenue
Cardiff, CF10 3WT
Tel +44 292 908 700 13
Fax +44 292 087 41 75
Dr. Ann-Beth Antonsson – Department for Working Environment and Environmental Management Systems – Swedish Environmental Research Institute
Dr. Henning Wriedt – Beratungs und Informationsstelle Arbeit & Gesundheit
Prof. Gerard Zwetsloot – TNO Work and Employment
Dr. Mat Jongen – TNO Work and Employment
Dr. Alfonso Calera – Instituto Sindical de Trabajo Ambiente y Salud (ISTAS)
The research project is essentially a review of literature and informed interest on the main factors that determine effective and sustainable risk management in the use of chemical substances in small enterprises and an exploration of the supports for their sustainability and transferability. This project is a study of the management of hazardous substances in small enterprises. It looks especially at ways in which approaches to improving the management of these substances are relevant to the needs of employers and workers in these enterprises and how they might be applied effectively in various EU countries. It takes the form of a review of available information on this subject and it is intended to be useful to inform more detailed study of practices in the future. It is intended that the research will establish a firm basis with which to inform future field based investigative studies of’what works’ and what is sustainable in approaches to managing chemical risks in small enterprises.
Related Publications
D Walters, Within REACH? Managing chemical risks in small enterprises, Baywood Publishing Co., Amityville, NY, 2008.
D Walters, Evolution of chemical safety data systems for SMEs, Occupational Health Review 2006, 122, 19-20.
D Walters, The efficacy of strategies for chemical risk management in small enterprises in Europe: evidence for success?, Policy and Practice in Health and Safety 2006, 81-116.