Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

C1.6: Possibilities and capabilities of 3D-body-scanning systems for the purpose of risk assessment.

Principal Investigator

Mr. Martin Rupp
Bekleidungsphysiologisches Institut Hohenstein
Schloss Hohenstein
74357 Boennigheim


The result of this study shows that a vast pool of data is available from the many kinds of measurement surveys that have been carried out using 3D body scanner technology. However, to evaluate the data or to derive the required body information, appropriate software still needs to be developed.
Because there is still little or no sufficient co-operation between different countries on planning and conducting measurement surveys, the results vary in certain details. The resolution and body representation differ because of the different scanner technologies that were used. In some datasets the scanned bodies include the complete body, while in others the head, hands and feet are missing. With this data, it is not possible to calculate the entire surface area of the body, and it has to be supplemented by other sources.
In general, the scan data could be used for the subject of exposure assessment but the data quality could still be improved. In future scanning campaigns, the requirements that are relevant to collecting data to calculate the exposure to/absorption of harmful substances via the body surface should be defined and taken into account.

Timeline: June 2005 > September 2005

LRI funding: €17,100

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