Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

D1.1-NOFE: Biomarkers of Exposure – Trends and Key Developments

Principal Investigator

Prof. Marek Jakubowski
Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine
Sw. Teresy Str. 8
90-950 Lodz
Fax +48 42 656 83 31


The aim of the study was to evaluate existing biomarkers of exposure to xenobiotics and analytical methods from the point of view of the possibility of practical use for assessing and managing occupational and environmental health risk. The study encompassed the evaluation and comparison of the data published in different countries and the critical analysis of their applicability at the present levels of occupational and environmental exposure; the analysis of the recent literature data aiming at the identification of possible new biomarkers of exposure not listed in the official recommendations as well as the evaluation of their potential value; the analysis of the existing interlaboratory quality control systems in biological monitoring of exposure and reference materials for internal quality control; the search, on the basis of available literature data, for the possible new health-based reference values.

Related Publications

M Jakubowski, M Trzcinka-Ochocka, Biological monitoring of exposure: Trends and key developments, Journal of Occupational Health 2005, 47, 22-48.

M Jakubowski, Biological monitoring of exposure to chemicals, Medycyna Pracy 2004, 55, 13-18 (in Polish).



Timeline: October 2002 > September 2004

LRI funding: € 64,240

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