Principal Investigator
Fax: +46 8 674 7637
Prof. Frank Wania, Dr. Jon Arnot, University of Toronto Scarborough, CA,
Dr. Knut Breivikk, University of Oslo, NO
The scientific objectives of this project are:
The broader objective of the project is to contribute to increased safety in the use of chemicals and to foster society’s acceptance of chemicals by providing a novel and effective tool to identify chemicals that could be deleterious to the environment or human health.
Related Publications
Michael S. McLachlan et al. Using Model-Based Screening to Help Discover Unknown Environmental Contaminants. Environ Sci Technol. 2014 Jul 1;48(13):7264-71
Quinn C.L. and Wania F. Understanding Differences in the Body Burden-Age Relationships of Bioaccumulating Contaminants Based on Population Cross Sections versus Individuals. Environ Health Perspect. 2012 Apr;120(4):554-9.
Arnot J.A., Brown T.N., Wania F., Breivik K. and McLachlan M.S. Prioritizing Chemicals and Data Requirements for Screening-Level Exposure and Risk Assessment. Environ Health Perspect. 2012 Nov;120(11):1565-70.
Brown T.N., Arnot J.A. a,d Wania F. Iterative Fragment Selection: A Group Contribution Approach to Predicting Fish Biotransformation Half-Lives. Environ Sci Technol. 2012 Aug 7;46(15):8253-60
Breivik K., Arnot J.A., Brown T.N., McLachlan M.S. and Wania F. Screening organic chemicals in commerce for emissions in the context of environmental and human exposure.J Environ Monit. 2012 Aug;14(8):2028-37.
Gama S., Mackay D. and Arnot J.A. Selecting and designing chemicals: application of a mass balance model of chemical fate, exposure and effects in the environment. Green Chem. 14, 1094-1102.
Quinn C.L., Wania F., Czub G. and Breivik K. Investigating Intergenerational Differences in Human PCB Exposure due to Variable Emissions and Reproductive Behaviors. Environ Health Perspect. 2011 May;119(5):641-6.
Zhang X., Brown T.N., Wania F., Heimstad E.S. and Goss K-U. Assessment of chemical screening outcomes based on different partitioning property estimation methods. Environ Int. 2010 Aug;36(6):514-20.
M. McLachlan, F. Wania, K. Breivik, J. Arnot. Dynamic, linked fate and bioaccumulation models as tools in chemical management 12th Annual Cefic-LRI Workshop, November 2010, Brussels, Belgium.
M. McLachlan, F. Wania, K. Breivik, J. Arnot, A. Kierkegaard. Prioritization screening identification of organosilicon contaminants in the environment. SETAC Europe 23rd Annual Meeting, May 2013, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom.
J.A. Arnot, T.N. Brown, F. Wania, K. Breivik, M.S. McLachlan. QSARs and mass balance models to screen organic chemicals for human exposure. Cefic-LRI 11th Annual Workshop, November 2009, Brussels, Belgium.