Principal Investigator
Dr. Pim Leonards
Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research (RIVO)
PO Box 68
NL – 1970 AB IJmuiden
Dr. Heather Leslie – RIVO
Dr. Michiel Kotterman – RIVO
LRI Monitor: Dr. Mike Comber – ExxonMobil
To facilitate retrieval of background concentrations and ranges of organic chemical concentrations in the marine and freshwater environment as input for various LRI models (e.g. multi-media, estuary models), ”MonitoringBase” was developed. This database includes information, references and links to more than 160 planned, on-going and completed contaminant monitoring, survey and screening studies in the European and Arctic aquatic environment. The information and references for monitoring programmes can be used to optimize cooperation with on-going and planned monitoring campaigns. This acts to maximize the amount of data and limit the number of samples.
Related Publications
Leslie H., Kotterman M., Leonards P., MonitoringBase. Collation and evaluation of monitoring programmes and measured environmental concentration data on organic chemicals in European aquatic environments, Final report, n° CO79/04, Nov. 2004. MonitoringBase. Database of monitoring programmes for contaminants in the European aquatic environment, [Cd-Rom], ed. By RIVO, Version 1.0, Sept. 2004. The database can become available by Cefic or RIVO upon request.