Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

ECO51 – SWiFT: Strengthening weight of evidence for FET data to replace acute fish toxicity

Principal Investigator

Dr Adam Lillicrap
Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA)
Gaustadalléen 21
NO-0349, Oslo
Tel. +47 98215407


Jannicke Moe, NIVA, Oslo, NO, jmo@niva.no

Raoul Wolf, NIVA, Oslo, NO, raw@niva.no

Thomas Braunbeck, University of Heidelberg, DE, braunbeck@uni-hd.de

Kristin Schirmer, EAWAG, Dubendorf, CH, kristin.schirmer@eawag.ch

Michelle Embry, HESI, Washington, DC, USA, membry@hesiglobal.org

Scott Belanger, P&G, Mason, OH, USA, belanger.se@pg.com

Kristin Connors, P&G, Mason, OH, USA, connors.ka@pg.com

Anders L Madsen, HUGIN EXPERT A/S, Aalborg, DK, alm@hugin.com

Stefan Scholz, UFZ, Leipzig, DE, stefan.scholz@ufz.de


The use of fish embryo toxicity (FET) data for hazard assessments of chemicals, in place of acute fish toxicity (AFT) data, has long been the goal for many environmental scientists. The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has indicated that FET data can be used in a weight of evidence (WoE) approach, if enough information is available to support the conclusions related to the hazard assessment. To provide a conclusive WoE for FET data, a Bayesian Network (BN) will be developed in the SWiFT project to incorporate multiple lines of evidence (i.e., data from different sources) to predict AFT.

Timeline: April 2020 > March 2022

LRI funding: € 250 000

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