Principal Investigator
Dr. Sue White
Cranfield University Silsoe
UK – MK45 Bedfordshire
Tel: +44 (0)1525 863140
Fax: +44 (0)1525 863001
Mr. John Hollis – Cranfield University Silsoe
LRI Monitor : Dr. Andrew Eatherall – Syngenta
This project aimed to create an integrated software package to assess the transport of chemical pollutants in the environment. It provided European and national regulatory agencies and industry with a state-of-the-art tool for better prediction of concentrations of chemicals – such as pesticides and industrial pollutants – in waters entering river systems. The software package had three parts: models simulating water runoff from land and the pollutants it carries; a database of information to use with these models (including information on topography, soils, geology and land-use) and mapping software.
Related Publications
White, S. , Beaudoin, I., Kannan, N., Worrall, F., Hollis, J. and Hallet, S. TERRACE: Terrestrial Runoff Risk Assessment and Chemical Evaluation. SETAC Europe 12th Annual Meeting, May 2002, Vienna, Austria.