Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

EMSG23: Endocrine Modulating Effects in Fish Along the Elbe River and in Reference Areas. Assessment of Risks Related to the Habitat Conditions and the Natural Variability of Endocrine Functions

Principal Investigator

Dr. Ludwig Karbe
Universität Hamburg
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1
D – 20146 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 42838 6660
Fax: +49 40 42838 6696


Prof. John Sumpter – Brunel University


The aim of the study is to identify effects caused by endocrine modulation in fish and evaluate these with respect to dysfunction in sex differentiation, development of functional organs as well as fecundity. Another aspect is the determination of the variability of these endpoints, including their seasonality. Finally, the impact of effects, if they exist, will be investigated on a population level.

Related Publications

M Hecker, CR Tyler, M Hoffman, S Maddix, L Karbe, Plasma biomarkers in fish provide evidence for endocrine modulation in the Elbe River, GermanyEnvironmental Science and Technology 200236, 2311-231.

M Hecker, Natural variability of endocrine functions and their modulation by anthropogenic influences, PhD Thesis, University of Hamburg, 2001.

LRI funding: €258,500 (Co-sponsored by the German Federal Government)

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