Principal Investigator
The objective of this project is to estimate the relative proportions of the real life exposures to residential indoor air contaminant mixtures in Europe which are (i) of low health concern (ii) of health concern because of the effects of one or more individual components, and (iii) of health concern due to cumulative effects but not for the effects of individual components. The current project targets non-carcinogenic effects of cumulative exposures.
The work will consist of four tasks:
- Identification, selection and compilation of the indoor complex mixture exposure datasets to be used in the assessment.
- Selection and – if necessary derivation – of the toxicology (and/or epidemiology) based regulatory concentration/exposure datasets to be used in the individual compound and cumulative Hazard Index (HI) values.
- Development of the spreadsheet database and computing tools for the individual compound and cumulative HI and MCR values, data input and results visualisation.
- Preparation of a manuscript for a peer reviewed journal and one or more presentations for the ISES [and/or another appropriate] Conference.
Related Publications
Aggregate exposure assessment: tiered approaches and illustration for indoor environments by Rudi Torfs
Application of the Maximum Cumulative Ration (MCR) to chemical mixtures in indoor air, presented at hte 14th Cefic-LRI Annual Workshop 2012
Application of the Maximum Cumulative Ratio (MCR) as a screening tool for evaluating mixtures in residential indoor air, presented at the ISEE-ISES-ISIAQ meeting in Basel.
K. De Brouwere et al. Application of the maximum cumulative ratio (MCR) as a screening tool for the evaluation of mixtures in residential indoor air. Science of the Total Environment 479-480 (2014), 267-276.