Principal Investigator
Professor Jason Weeks
Centre for Environmental Risks and Futures, Cranfield University
Building 42a, Bedfordshire, MK43 0AL, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1234 750111
Fax: +44 (0)1234 752971
This project is looking to identify the type and form of policy evidence required by policy makers to operationalize benefit-risk approaches to technology innovation. The project’s objectives are to:
1. Map current gaps in existing approaches to developing scientific evidence upon which to base concrete and actionable policy outcomes.
2. Examine emerging evidence requirements (and barriers to policy translation of this evidence) associated with benefit assessment.
3. Stipulate requirements in terms of an evidence base for factoring in socio-economic assessments to policy.
Related Publications
Development of a robust participatory regulatory framework to enhance the wider acceptance of innovative chemical technologies by Prof. Jason Weeks, Cranfield Univ., UK, Cefic-LRI Annual Workshop 2015
Development of a robust participatory regulatory framework to enhance the wider acceptance of innovative chemical technologies, presented at the 16th Cefic-LRI Annual Workshop 2014