Implicit in health risk assessment is the need to integrate both health hazard information and exposure estimates. Models currently exist for the estimation of exposure in occupational and consumer situations as well as likely exposure to the general population, based on known use patterns of a chemical. Such models make large assumptions and have highly conservative estimates built in at numerous stages of exposure estimation. There is need to develop alternative methods, both new and within the existing frameworks, to provide more realistic estimates of exposure. The accuracy of such models that are used to estimate exposures requires validation. Furthermore, generic, typical use patterns of chemicals should be identified and a database for such cases developed, both from existing reference/data sources as well as by measurement.
Proposals submitted for consideration should follow the format of the application from'Application for a CEFIC-LRI Grant' and should address the following areas under individual subheadings:
The title of the research proposal.
The name and affiliation of the principal investigator and the laboratory or laboratories in which the research will be conducted.
Evidence of the principal investigator's knowledge of, and contribution to, current understandings of the role of consumer exposure in human toxicology and risk assessment
Expertise in the use of consumer exposure models.
A clear definition of the research objectives, including a description of the mechanistic basis for the proposed research together with a list of models and validation scenarios.
A clear plan of investigation, including a clearly defined milestone plan that identifies all critical decision points in the research programme.
A detailed breakdown of costs.
The successful applicant(s) will be required to submit a progress report every 6 months during the course of the programme. At the end of the project a detailed review of the project and the achievements made will be provided by the principal investigator. The successful applicant(s) will also be required to prepare for publication a manuscript describing the work undertaken and the results achieved.
Establish a database/inventory describing the distributions of those key determinants which affect how consumer exposures are estimated and/or modelled, using information available from the literature and elsewhere
Definition of the scope of parameters related to the needs of the EU requirements for the risk assessment of new and existing chemicals
Compile a listing of sources of data/information which help describe exposure determinants
Based on the work, define those parameters where information appears deficient or unreliable, and develop proposals to address these.