Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

Investigating the relationships between persistence, bioaccumulation potential and long-term effects of chemicals in the marine and terrestrial environments.


In ecotoxicology the properties toxicity, persistence and bioaccumulation potential are used to classify substances concerning their potential to cause harm in the environment. However it is only toxicity which is a harmful property, the other two being only indicators of the possibility of long-term occurrence of a chemical in organisms or in their surrounding habitat. Nevertheless, the classification of a chemical as'dangerous for the environment' relies to a large extent on its estimated persistence and bioaccumulation. In some parts of the environment persistence or bioaccumulation may be of more concern than others.


Proposals submitted for consideration should follow the format of the application form'Application for a CEFIC-LRI Grant' and should address the following areas under individual sub-headings:
The title of the research proposal
The name and affiliation of the principal investigator and the laboratory or laboratories in which the research will be conducted
Evidence of the principal investigator's knowledge of, and contribution to, current understandings of persistence and bioaccumulation with respect to the long-term effects of chemicals in the environment
A clear definition of the research objectives, including a description of the mechanistic basis for the proposed research
A clear plan of investigation, including a clearly defined milestone plan which identifies all critical decision points in the research programme
A detailed breakdown of costs.
The successful applicant(s) will be required to submit a progress report every 6 months during the course of the programme. At the end of the project a detailed review of the project and the achievements made will be provided by the principal investigator. The successful applicant or applicants will also be required to prepare for publication a manuscript describing the work undertaken and the results achieved.


Prepare a matrix of chemical properties covering the range of persistence, bioaccumulation potential, mobility and bioavailability parameters with and without known chronic toxicity. Select representative natural and xenobiotic chemicals to this matrix, taking into account a review of existing data on persistence, bioaccumulation, bioavailability and mobility of chemicals. Identify a testing scheme capable of (a) providing missing data on the non-toxicity attributes of each chemical to complete the matrix and (b) examining the possibility of toxicity from chemicals with relevant degrees of persistence and bioaccumulation potential. Seek to obtain rules governing when a persistent and bioaccumulating chemical is or is not likely to cause long-term risks of adverse effects in the environment.

Timing: Starting in 2000

Cost: An estimated maximum of $725,000 over 5 years

Cefic-Lri Programme Responsible Care

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