Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

Neuroendocrine Effects of EAC’s (Endocrine Active Chemicals)


Research on EAC's, either man-made or of natural origin, has been a major topic within the last decade. In recent years, apart from their direct effects on hormone dependent tissues, a new focus has come under consideration. The effects of EAC's on the developing brain (in utero or of the very young) may possibly lead to structural alterations or behavioural effects which may show up in later life.


Therefore, CEFIC-LRI is asking for proposals with the following terms of reference:

  • Review and evaluate the scientific literature on the effects of estrogens, androgens and thyroid hormones (including antagonists) in humans and experiment animals with regard to;
    • behavioral pattern in early and adult life,
    • brain structures and morphology and
    • neurochemical and molecular parameters in hormone dependent brain areas, for evidence obtained within the last ten years that EAC's (natural and/or man-made) may lead to similar effects,
  • Provide a critical evaluation as to the reliability and consistency of these data on EAC's,
  • Define a research strategy - together with CEFIC-LRI - how to close the most critical knowledge gaps for man-made EAC's.

The applicant should be a renowned scientist either in the field of neuro-endocrinology or endocrine related toxicology, but should also have proven expertise in the complementary field.



CEFIC-LRI is considering the need to become actively involved in this research area. Before developing a final research strategy, a state of the art literature review is required. Research strategies must be developed in close cooperation with leading scientists in this field.

Timing: The timeframe for the project is 6 months.

Cost: The proposal as submitted to CEFIC-LRI should contain binding estimates for costs and timing, including interim reports if appropriate.

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