Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

Request for Proposals

LRI-B12 Contribution of dust to human exposure

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LRI-B13 Development of an in silico model of dermal absorption

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LRI-ECO19 Towards more ecologically realistic assessment of chemicals in the environment

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LRI-ECO20 Development of an alternative testing strategy for the fish early life-stage (FELS) test (OECD 210)

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LRI-ECO21 Mechanistic Bioaccumulation Model(s) for Ionogenic Organic Substances in Fish

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LRI-EMSG57 Critical review of epidemiological evidence for the potential association between endocrine active chemicals and obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease

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LRI-ECO18 Identifying limitations of the OCED water-sediment test (OECD 308) and developing suitable alternatives to assess persistence – Deadline: 31 august 2011

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LRI-HBM4 Representativeness of single human biomonitoring samples Deadline: 31 august 2011

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LRI B9-Characterising the nature of dermal exposure from consumer products and articles- Deadline: 31 august 2011

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LRI AIMT3 Predictive toxicology using ‘omics’, high-throughput data, and cheminformatics – Deadline: 31 august 2011

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