In recent years there have been substantial advances in signal transduction pathway biology.
There is evidence that perturbation of the integrity of signal transduction by xenobiotics can
translate into adverse reproductive health effects. It is timely, therefore, to explore whether
exploitation of this area could pave the way towards design of alternative approaches to
reproductive toxicity testing consistent with improved animal welfare.
Examine the extent to which an increased understanding of the relationship between
perturbation of signal transduction mechanisms and reproductive and developmental health
can be exploited for the benefit of designing alternative approaches to reproductive toxicity
Proposals submitted for consideration should address the following under individual
Ӣ The title of the research proposal.
Ӣ The name and affiliation of the Principal Investigator of the laboratory or laboratories
in which the research will be conducted.
Ӣ Evidence of the Principal Investigator's expertise, and contributions to the areas of
science and technology relevant to this proposal
Ӣ A clear definition of the research objectives, including a description of the
mechanistic basis for the proposed research.
Ӣ A detailed plan of investigation, including a clearly defined milestone plan, that
identifies all critical decision points during the course of the research programme.
This plan should also identify the primary focus of the investigations proposed, and
importantly whether the focus is on male or female reproductive toxicity. The plan
should also identify clearly how it is proposed that an investment in this area might
result in the design of realistic alternative approaches to toxicity testing.
Ӣ A detailed breakdown of costs, itemising staff costs, consumables and other costs on
an annual basis.
The Principal Investigator will be required to submit a progress report at six monthly intervals
during the course of the programme. At the end of the project a detailed review of the
research, and its accomplishments, will be provided by the Principal Investigator. It is
expected that the results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and the investigators are
encouraged to present their preliminary findings in appropriate scientific meetings.