Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

The Basis for Inter-individual Differences in Susceptibility to Chemical Allergy


There is evidence for inter-individual differences in susceptibility to both allergic contact dermatitis and chemical respiratory allergy that are independent of variable exposure. Although both heritable and acquired factors have been implicated as being relevant, there is no clear understanding of the key predisposing determinants. An increased understanding of the significance of these variables would provide the basis for improved risk management practices and contribute to a more detailed appreciation of relevant immunobiological mechanisms.


Identify key predisposing determinants in individuals who display increased susceptibility to chemical respiratory allergy and/or allergic contact dermatitis.
Investigations that embrace both experimental and clinical studies would be particularly welcome.


Proposals submitted for consideration should address the following under individual headings:br />

  • The title of the research proposal.
  • The name and affiliation of the Principal Investigator of the laboratoryor laboratories in which the research will be conducted.
  • Evidence of the Principal Investigator's expertise, and contributions to the areas of science relevant to this proposal.
  • A clear definition of the research objectives (including a description of the mechanistic basis for any proposed research).
  • An outline of investigation including milestones and critical decision points during the course of the proposed project.
  • An indication of likely costs.
  • All applications for CEFIC-LRI grants will be dealt with via a two-tiered selection process. Interested parties are invited to submit an initial expression of interest for preliminary evaluation by an ECETOC Selection Team. A form is available on the CEFIC-LRI web-site. Short-listed candidates will subsequently be requested to submit a more detailed proposal or invited to make a presentation to the Selection Team.

The Principal Investigator will be required to submit a progress report at six monthly intervals during the course of the programme. At the end of the project a detailed review of the research, and its accomplishments, will be provided by the Principal Investigator. It is expected that the results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and the investigators are encouraged to present their preliminary findings in appropriate scientific meetings.


Timing: It is anticipated that proposed projects will be of either 2 or 3 years duration.

Cost: The support available for this programme of work is in the region of €150k per annum.

Cefic-Lri Programme Responsible Care

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