ADEPT is an atmospheric deposition and transport model which was developed by Cefic LRI (project EEM2 “Development of an Atmospheric Deposition Model for Risk Assessment”) in collaboration with Delft Hydraulics and TNO, used to generate input for existing spatially resolved risk assessment models.
Atmospheric fate is governed by transport, deposition, and chemistry. Transport is a combination of large scale advection and smaller scale movements (turbulence) and the physical state of the compound (gaseous or aerosol). Degradation processes vary from simple first order degradation to more complex chemical interactions or photolysis. These reactions occur in the gas-phase, as well as in the aqueous phase (water films around aerosol nuclei) or on the aerosol itself. Compounds can be removed from the atmosphere through rainfall (wet deposition) or directly through dry deposition (aerosols and gasses). The actual deposition depends on both environmental (meteorological) conditions, the compound and surface (vegetation) properties.
In the past years various numerical models have been developed for quantifying atmospheric transport and deposition of contaminants. The models differ in their problem approach and hence their level of complexity and implemented transport and process formulations. ADEPT focuses on the reproduction of deposition fluxes within Europe by means of modeling physical and chemical processes.
The programme has been tested and runs under various platforms, Windows 9x, XP and 2000.
Download and install the ADEPT model
A user manual is also available
The ADEPT tool is no longer compatible with current operating systems.
Hollander A., Scheringer M., Shatalov V., Mantseva E., Sweetman A., Roemer M., Suzuki N., Wegmann F., van de Meent D., Baart A. (2008). Estimating overall persistence and long-range transport potential of persistent organic pollutants: a comparison of seven multimedia mass balance models and atmospheric transport models. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. xx 1-10