Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

Busy – Bayesian Uncertainty System

Busy 1.1a (Bayesian Uncertainty System) is a Mathematica programme developed by Cefic LRI in collaboration with IRAS (Utrecht University) as an outcome of the project EEM4: “Tools for Probabilistic Uncertainty Analysis in Environmental Rsik Assessment of Chemicals”.

Busy 1.1a applies to problems of risk assessment of chemicals, and focuses on the calculation of the Expected (Ecological) Risk and its uncertainty to biological species when exposed to chemicals. Specifically, Busy 1.1a deals with univariate Exposure Distributions and Species Sensitivity Distributions, and addresses their second-order uncertainty.

Busy 1.1a makes extensive use of the Mathematice Notebook interface that are live documents with explanatory noted, preprogrammed computer code and graphical output. For a more detailed presentation of the software package please click here.

Busy 1.1a is currently available at: http://busymath.googlepages.com.



A Mathematica package for Bayesian, Risk and Second-Order Distributions

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