Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

FeDTex – Fertility and Developmental Toxicity in Experimental Animals

FeDTex is an outcome of the Cefic LRI B1.3 sponsored project on developing structure- and risk-based methods to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals under REACH, with the collaboration of Fraunhofer ITEM.

FeDTex will enable the evaluation of reproductive toxicity data, in particular NOELs/LOELs on fertility and developmental effects, of presently 100 chemicals. Affected parameters and effects are documented in relation to the development stage, gender and generation. FeDTex addresses reproductive toxicity including one-, two- and three-generational studies.

It can be used as stand-alone database or in combination with RepDose to identify chemical structures responsible for specific effects on target organs.

Access to database

For more information about – or access to – the FeDTex database, address your requests to info@repdose.de.


RepDose and FeDTex: Two databases focusing on systemic toxicity

RepDose and FeDTex: Two databases focusing on In Vivo toxicity: examples of application and combination

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