The Cefic LRI 11th Annual Workshop featured how LRI has put science at contribution towards chemical policies, looking at multi-angle perspectives, including from Policy, Industry and Academia. It also showed the LRI impact on policies on intelligent testing and animal alternatives, complex environments and exposure, acceptance of new technologies – all crucial steps towards better innovation.
This event was organized in the framework of the European Year of Creativity & Innovation – LRI being one of the major voluntary initiatives of the chemical industry to support competitiveness and boost innovation.
You can listen to a conversation with Gernot Klotz (Cefic Research & Innovation Executive Director) and John Metselaar(Procter & Gamble Director Fabric Care, Low Income Markets, Member of Cefic Research & Innovation Programme Council).
You can have a look at the pictures of the workshop in our flickr album.
And you can also download below the speakers’ presentations.
– Welcome
Richard Phillips (ExxonMobil)
– LRI: Responsible Care in practice
Hubert Mandery (Cefic)
– Contributions of science, today and tomorrow
Chair: Richard Phillips (ExxonMobil)
Policy demand
Lesley Onyon (UNEP)
Industry perspectives
Melanie Bausen (BASF)
Scientific responsibility
Tim Gant (Univ. Leicester)
Public evaluation
John Baker (ICIS)
– Innovative Science Award: “Science legacy”
Chair: Gernot Klotz (Cefic Research & Innovation)
Emma Taylor, Medical Research Center (2008 winner)
Hector Keun, Imperial College (2009 winner) presented by John Metselaar (Procter & Gamble, Member of Cefic Research & Innovation Programme Council)
Launch of Award 2010
– LRI in motion: new projects for 2009-2010
Bruno Hubesch (Cefic)
– Impact of LRI
Chair: Lynn Frewer (Univ. Wageningen)
Intelligent testing & animal alternatives
Watze de Wolf (Dupont)
Complex environments & exposure
Corinna Weinz (Bayer)
Acceptance of new technologies
Richard Phillips (ExxonMobil)
– Panel discussion
Lead: Tom Burns (Univ. of Uppsala)
Janet Mostowy (Bayer)
Rodney Townsend (RSC, SusChem Chair)
Lynn Frewer (Univ. Wageningen)
Troy Seidle (Humane Society)
Leslie Onyon (UNEP)
Conclusions and future perspectives
Gernot Klotz (Cefic Research & Innovation)