Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

14th Cefic-LRI Annual Workshop 2012

Start date: 14 Nov. 2012

End date: 15 Nov. 2012

The Long-range Research Initiative (LRI) Programme of the European Council for the Chemical Industry (Cefic) organised its annual workshop to showcase results and outcomes of several LRI projects completing in 2011-2012.

The workshop focused on key areas including combined exposure, exposure modeling, persistence, nanomaterials, environment bioaccumulation and prediction models. The objective of the workshop was to show scientists, academia, regulators and stakeholders the value that the LRI Programme has created and introduce its future direction.

Click here to view all our speakers and final programme of the workshop.

We have released a summary of the workshop, which you can download here.


Welcome“, by Stuart Marshall, Unilever, LRI SIG

Opening remarks“, by Pierre Jorris, CSIO Solvay, R&I Programme Council

Putting ecological realism in environmental risk assessment procedures“, by Colin Jannsen, Univeristy of Ghent

How can evidence based policy contribute to trust?“, by Jan Staman, Rathenau Institute

N1 project: approach on nanomaterial safety of ZnO and SiO2 – Final results and overall conclusions“, by Otto Creutzenberg, Fraunhofer ITEM

Testing and assessment of reproductive toxicity of nanomaterials: results of hte LRI-N3 project“, by Andre Wolterbeek, TNO

Aggregate exposure assessment: tiered approaches and illustration for indoor environments“, by Rudi Torfs, VITO

Integration of metabolic fate, health effects and biokinetics predictions in an in silico-in vitro-in vivo approach in a tiered testing strategy“, by Bas Blaauboer, IRAS, Utrecht University

Bioaccumulation assessment: evolution or revolution?“, by Michael McLachlan, University of Stockholm

Endocrine disrupters: industry workshop outcomes and key ongoing LRI research efforts“, by Markus Junker & Steffen Schneider, BASF

Improving mechanistic understanding of population recovery for aquatic macro-invertebrates“, by Thomas Preuss, RWTH Aachen University, Awardee 2011

Determining biologically relevant effects of compound exposure by chemical, bilogical and phenotypic data integration“, by Andreas Bender, University of Cambridge

Challenges in the future risk assessment“, by Corrado Galli, University of Milan

NANoREG: how to define protection goals on nano?“, by Tom van Teunenbroek, Ministry of Environmental and Spatial Planning, NL

The quality of epidemiological research: why does it matter?“, by Dick Heederik, IRAS, Utrecht University


The workshop was held on 14 and 15 November 2012 at The Square Brussels Meeting Centre, Rue Raveinsteinstraat 2, 1000 Brussels.

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