Inhalation and/or dermal exposure may lead to uptake in the body. PBPK-modelling can estimate the level of a chemical in body tissues and body fluids following inhalation and/or dermal exposure. Generic PBPK-models contain algoritmes as QSPRs (=Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships) for blood:air and tissue:blood partitioning. That is why such a PBPK model can be used even when experimental partition characteristics of a compound are lacking.
IndusChemFate is a newly developed generic PBTK (Physiologically Based Toxicokinetic) model for multiple (data-poor) chemicals. It is a first tier or screening tool that requires a minimum of input data. It allows to estimate concentrations in body fluids equal to airborne limit values. In addition, route to route extrapolation can be modelled. The software is available as a freeware application in Microsoft Excel. Click here to download the software application and the user manual.
The workshop will cover:
- Explanation of the generic PBPK tool: IndusChemFate
- Demonstration of calculation and visualisation of body tissues and fluid concentrations after inhalation, dermal exposure and/or oral intake with the software application in MS-Excel.
- Training in real life application of IndsuChemFate for workers exposures
Target group:
Workshop fee:
Registration is now open!
Click here to view the workshop flyer or visit the website of IndusTox Consult for more information.