The 8th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences will take place in Montréal, Canada on 21-25 August, 2011.
Following on from the 7th World Congress Calling on Science, WC8 provides a forum that supports both the ethical use of animals and quality science. In Canada, scientific animal use policy is developed with input from scientists, regulators and the public. This tradition of consensus-building inspired the Congress motto: “The Three Rs – Together is possible”.
The goal of WC8 is to bridge the distance between science and policy and to identify opportunities for collaborations. The programme includes:
- THEME I: Safety and Efficacy Testing of Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Biologicals
- THEME II: Policy/Law on Animal Use, Public Engagement and Ethical Review
- THEME III: Incorporation of the Three Rs in Education and Training
- THEME IV: Animal Welfare for Refinement and High Quality Science
- THEME V: Replacement and Reduction in Basic Research
For a detailed view of the programme and online registrations, click here.
Montréal, Québec
H3B 4A5
1 (866) 540-4483