The Centre for chemical safety assessment (ECETOC) is organising the workshop “Elevating exposure science in chemical safety management – Developing recommendations for stakeholders”, on 25-26 October 2023, in Alicante, Spain.
The workshop will take place over two days:
- On Day 1, stakeholders from European Institutions, research centres, sector associations and industry will highlight the barriers and opportunities to enhance the use of exposure information in chemical safety assessments within Europe. [Online participation is free and open to all: click here to register and follow Day 1 online]
- On Day 2, participants will discuss face-to-face in small groups to develop a set of practical, actionable recommendations for elevating the role of exposure science in chemical safety assessment within Europe, both in the present situation and under future chemical management schemes [In-person participation for Days 1 and 2 is by invitation only: please contact for more information]
Learn more here.