Exposure science cuts across many disciplines, including analytical chemistry, epidemiology, toxicology, industrial hygiene, public health, risk assessment, ecological health, and occupational health. Exposure science addresses issues related to methods for measuring and estimating exposures, and the use of these measures in risk assessment and environmental health policy. Exposure science considers not only traditional environmental chemical exposures but also exposures to radionuclides and pathogens, food additives and pharmaceuticals, and not only traditional measures in environmental media but also biomonitoring.
During the event, will be highlighted issues that affect the Southwest, including water-related issues, chemical and pathogen exposures of concern in the region, and other region-specific topics.
The ISES meeting attracts scientists of international acclaim from academia, government and the private sector. There will be networking and mentoring opportunities specifically designed for women, students and new researchers.
Cefic-LRI is sponsoring this event.
For more information about the 25th Annual Meeting, visit: http://www.ises2015.org/index.html.