REACH has indicated that substances (e.g. intermediates, raw materials and formulation inerts) having endocrine disrupting properties will require further investigation. A number of factors will be taken into account (e.g. substitution, exposure control) before such compounds can be authorised for use. Therefore, continued use of such substances will be restricted.
In the draft revision of the 91/414 pesticide directive, active substances in a plant protection product considered to have endocrine disrupting properties that may be of toxicological significance in human or non-target organisms will not be approved.
For both chemicals and pesticides, a definition of endocrine disruption is not supplied in either of these documents. Therefore, there is a significant possibility that different interpretations of what is or is not an endocrine disruption effect would lead to inappropriate classification of chemicals/pesticides as endocrine disrupters. This would have a serious impact on the registration, use and movement of such substances and, hence, it is critical that the term “endocrine disruption” is defined in a scientifically sound way. Moreover, clear guidance is needed on the nature and quality of technical data required to conclude that a chemical induces an endocrine disruption leading to adverse effects through modes os action relevant to humans and non-target organisms.
An ECETOC Task Force has been developing a “Guidance on identifying endocrine disrupting effects”. The aim of the workshop is to introduce and discuss this guidance to conclude whether a chemical has or not endocrine disrupting properties.
Workshop structure:
The Workshop will be an active event with a limited number of invited participants. The aim is to have an adequate participation representing industry, academia and regulators. The Workshop will begin with presentations on the outcome of the above-mentioned task force and will be followed by breakout group discussions and a final plenary session.
The Workshop is taking place on 29-30 June 2009 in Barcelona, Spain. Click here to download the Programme of the Workshop.