The International Council of Chemical Associations’ Long-Range Research Initiative (ICCA-LRI) in collaboration with the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) is organizing this year’s workshop on the prospective question of “What Will Work? Application of New Approaches for Chemical Safety Assessment”.
The workshop will include case examples of a number of applications:
• Receptor Mediated Pathways for Quantitative Human Health Risk Assessment
• Endogenous Exposures and Biological Thresholds
• Integrating Epidemiology Results with Knowledge of Toxicity Pathways for Quantitative Human Health Risk Assessment
• Developing Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment Using Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOP)
• Using AOPs for Quantitative Ecological Risk Assessment
The questions behind these case studies are the following:
• What approaches have been used to document & establish scientific confidence in these methods? Can these be generalized and implemented across a broad spectrum of methods?
• What are the challenges & opportunities for incorporating exposure information? What lessons have been learned to date and what research activities are most urgently needed?
• How can these methods be applied to address variability in populations for regulatory and product stewardship assessments? What are the key research needs?
• What are the challenges of communicating toxicity pathway-based safety determinations to decision-makers and what opportunities for addressing these challenges?
Through a combination of plenary and panel discussion sessions, and a poster session, the ICCA-LRI workshop will explore this question through specific angles.
Download the workshop flyer for more information about the workshop and specific themes.
Registration is open and free of charge! To register please visit the Registration page of the workshop website (
The workshop will be held on June 16-17, 2015 in New Orleans, US. The workshop organizing committee includes representatives and experts from industry, academia, and governmental organizations.
Details about registration will be announced soon on