Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

ISEA LRI Workshop

Start date: 24 Sep. 2003

On 24th September 2003, a workshop on “Population Exposures in Europe” was held at the International Society for Exposure Analysis Conference in Stresa, Italy. The workshop showcased many of the LRI-supported initiatives that are underway to address the question of how exposure to chemical pollutants varies across Europe and their primary reasons for variation.

The workshop was co-shared by Prof. Bo Jansen of LRI’s External Science Advisory Panel and Prof. Nino Kunzli of the University of Southern California, together with Tina Bahadori Senior Scientist & Senior Director of the ACC’s LRI Programme.

Many of the presentations stemmed from the work being undertaken to better understand how determinants of exposure affect personal exposures to indoor and ambient pollutants. Further presentations reviewed the work underway to develop a simple tool for describing and evaluating chemical risks within the workplace and the multi-center project aiming to develop a sourcebook of European exposure factors.

In addition to the LRI funded contributions, the workshop also included a contribution from Prof. Thomas McKone of the Laurence Berkley National Laboratories in the USA. Prof. McKone’s work, funded by US APA, compliments the general direction and intent of CEFIC-LRI’s activities and was thus felt to be useful and relevant for the general topic of discussion.

The Cefic Long Range Research Initiative (LRI)
Money C.D.

The Background to the Expolis Study
Kunzli Nino
University of Southern California

Time-Microenvironment-Activity-Patterns (TMAP) across Europe: How homogenous is the European adult urban population
Schweizer C & al.
University Southern California, Basel University and EXPOLIS-INDEX Group

VOC Personal Exposures in EXPOLIS populations in Athens, Helsinki, Oxford and Prague
Edwards R.D.& al.
Dept of Social Ecology, University of california at Irvine

Determinants of residential indoor VOC and PM2.5 levels in six European cities – The EXPOLIS study
Lai H.K.
Dept of Env. Sci and Technology, Imperial College, London, UK

Standardized approach for developing probabilistic exposure factor distributions
McKone T.E. & al.
Indoor Environment Department, Lawrence berkeley National Lab, USA
School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, USA

ExpoFacts – European Exposure Factors Sourcebook
Tenhola V.
Finnish National Public Health Institute (KTL), Finland

Population Exposure to simple mixtures of air pollutants in Helsinki
Ritchie P.
Institute of Occupational Medicine, UK

The participants agreed that LRI is making a substantive contribution to the understanding of residential exposures to chemicals in Europe and that the work being undertaken to develop a European exposure sourcebook provides the basis for more reliable and soundly-based assessments of exposure and risk. Interest was expressed by a number of participants regarding the extent to which LRI planned to initiate further work in the area, together with other projects that LRI is supporting or has planned.

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