The In Vitro Testing Industrial Platform (IVTIP) in conjunction with the European Society with Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV) and the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) are organising a conference entitled “In vitro reconstructed human tissue models as alternatives to animal testing: applicability and limitations” on 26-28 April in Monte Carlo, Monaco.
As there is a limited number of 150 seats for the meeting, registrations will be served on a “frist come, first served” basis. Posters can be presented during the conference and abstracts should be submitted to by March 1, 2011. Acceptance of posters will be announced by March 18, 2011.
You can download the Registration Form and the detailed Programme of the conference. For the IVTIP members and the ESTIV/CAAT corporate members the entrance is free.
For more information please visit