The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the European Environment Agency (EEA) are jointly organising a workshop, entitled: “Aquatic ecotoxicology – can we improve its influence on policies and riskmanagement?”, in Copenhagen on 6-7 May, 2010.
– The first objective of the workshop is to, through retrospective analysis, discuss how we can optimize the science and decision basis in the ecotoxicology area in order to obtain improved protection of the ecosystems and the environment from chemicals and other types of pollution.
– The second objective is to analyse how research findings in the ecotoxicology area have found their way into policy and how they have been used in risk management and decision-making.
– The third objective is to highlight the importance of research projects for capacity building.
– The fourth objective is to identify research and development priorities for the future.
The results and conclusions of this workshop will feed into several on-going processes in Europe. EEA is currently preparing its State of Environment 2010 Report and is also beginning to prepare a scientifc report on chemicals in the aquatic environment. JRC is currenlty in a process defining its research strategy for the coming 10 years. The ambition is to work closer with the policy makers and develop JRC works into policy support and policy assessment. The outcome of this workshop will be concluded in a workshop report, which will be published in as a European Union (EU) report.
Thursday 6 May
09:00 Welcome, by Peter Pärt (JRC-IES)
09:20 EEA work on chemicals in the aquatic enviroment, by Robert Collins (EEA)
09:40 A retrospective view on developments in ecotoxicology, by Finn Bro-Rasmussen (Prof em)
10:00 ESTHER and follow ups, by Niklas Johansson (Swedish EPA)
10:30 Refreshments
11:00 NewS (MISTRA), by Christina Rudén (Royal Institute of Technology)
11:30 NoMiracle, by Hans Lökke (Prof em)
12:00 MODELKEY, by Michaela Hein /Helmut Segner (MODELKEY consotrium)
12:30 Lunch
14:00 International Panel on Chemical Pollution, by Ake Bergman (Stockholm University)
14:20 Ecotoxicology at community level, by Hans Blanck (Göteborg University)
14:40 Molecular and cellular approaches in environmental monitoring, by Nick Bury (Kings College)
15:00 Ecotoxicology capacity building in developing countries, by Leif Norrgren (Swedish Agricultural Univerisity)
15:20 Biomarker in environmental monitoring, by Lars Förlin (Göteborg University)
15:40 Refreshments
16:00 Are standard tools needed for reliable regulatory hazard and risk assessment?, by Magnus Breitholtz (Stockholm University)
16:20 A century from science to regulation: considering the toxicology and ecotoxicology of chemical mixtures in European regulation, by Tomas Backhaus (Göteborg University)
16:40 Protecting aquatic ecosystems from chemical impacts – putting science to work, by Tom Hutchinson (CEFAS, UK)
17:00 Research on metal ecotoxicology and endocrine disrupters: Any legislative implications?, by Poul Bjerregaard (University of South Western Denmark)
17:20 Ecotoxicology in international conventions, by Ketil Hylland (Oslo University)
17:40 Conclusions, by Ingvar Brandt (Uppsala University)
Friday 7 May
09:30 REACH implementation – Risk Assessment, by Jose Tarazona (European Chemicals Agency)
10:00 Policy implementation on basis of research, by Ludo Holsbek (EEA Scientific Committee and Flemish Government)
10:30 Refreshments
11:00 Discussion – are we doing the right thing to optimally serve policy making?, by Ake Bergman (Stockholm University)
12:00 Lunch
14:00 New tools in ecotoxicology – promises or reality, by Teresa Lettieri (JRC-IES, Ispra)
14:20 Alternative methods in ecotoxicology – is it realistic?, by Helmut Segner (University of Bern)
14:40 Discussion – Are we doing the right thing – where should we go in the future? How can we optimise the methodology?, by Peter Pärt ((JRC-IES)