Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

9th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences

Start date: 24 Aug. 2014

End date: 28 Aug. 2014

During the past two decades, responsible reduction in the number of animals used for scientific purposes and development and improvement of 3R-relevant research methods clearly demonstrate the commitment of the scientific community to provide novel science of higher quality. This approach respects not only human ethical principles, but also animal rights and their social and environmental needs. The implementation of the 3R principles has become an integral part of innovation and research. Advanced experimental study designs embark on a completely new concept based on pathways in cells and tissues of human origin to satisfy the highest scientific criteria in humans, the species of interest. Contemporary high quality research is aimed at increasing the public understanding and confidence in the ethical approaches applied in science and its meaning and significance in modern society.The motto of the 9th World Congress in Prague is thus: “Humane Science in the 21st Century”.


You can find the scientific program of the 9th World Congress in Prague here.


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