Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

TAGS Workshop

Start date: 7 Jun. 2010

With reference to the Cefic LRI sponsored project “B5: Tiered AGgregate exposure to chemical Substances’“, also known as TAGS, coordinated by Professor Tasos Karabelas from CERTH in Greece, in collaboration with VITO in Belgium and IOM in the UK, the TAGS consortium is organising a closed workshop on aggregate exposure assessment to chemicals.

The workshop will address the development of a common understanding of the methodology and requirements for a tiered aggregate exposure assessment approach with the help of key scientists and stakeholders. In particular, the discussion will focus on the issue of when an aggregate exposure estimate is required. The outcomes of this workshop will be reported in a monograph, which will be freely distributed to participants and others.

The TAGS Workshop will take place on 7 June 2010 in London and can be attended by invitation only. If you are a stakeholder who is interested in the theme or you simply require more information about the workshop, please contact Professor Tasos Karabelas : karabaj@cperi.certh.gr.


09.30 Welcome coffee

9.45 Introduction to TAGS and team, including summary of JRC/CEFIC workshop (CERTH/JRC)

10.15 Aggregate exposure, state of the art (VITO)

11.00 Coffee break

11.15 Criteria for using “simple” versus aggregate exposure assessment (IOM)

11.45 Discussion on criteria for triggering groups dealing with specific questions (IOM)

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Tiered approach for aggregate exposure assessment (VITO)

14.30 Discussion on Tiered approach (VITO)

15.30 Coffee break

15.45 Summary and timeline of project (CERTH)

16.00 Closure

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