ESTIV2012 has the pleasure to invite you to The European Society of Toxicology in Vitro 2012 International Conference, which is scheduled for October 16-19, 2012, in Lisbon, Portugal.
As traditional, ESTIV2012 will explore challenges and successes of non-animal approaches for toxicity testing, and a special student session will also be organized, where young researchers will be invited to briefly present their work and there will be an award for the best presentation. NEW is the practical workshop that will be organized on the 20th October. The purpose of this workshop is to gain hands-on experience with computerized in vitro – in vivo extrapolation strategies. Cefic-LRI is one of the ESTIV2012 sponsors.
Click here to download the draft programme of the conference. Registration is open until April 2012. Submission of abstracts and posters is open until June 2012.
To find out more details about the conference programme, location and registration fees, you can visit the ESTIV2012 website: