Centre for Fish and Wildlife Health, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
The aims of the course are:
- to introduce and train the participants in basic principles of fish toxicopathology,
- to discuss methodological aspects including possible pitfalls,
- to highlight application fields of fish toxicopathology in environmental surveillance, mechanistic toxicological studies and regulatory hazard assessment.
The motivation for this course comes from the fact that while histopathology is increasingly used in ecotoxicological research and hazard assessment, there is a shortage of training opportunities and courses.
The course combines short theoretical lectures with “hands-on” practical training sessions. There is also the possibility that course participants present their own material for discussion and histopathological evaluation.
Read more information about the previous fish histopathology course supported by LRI here on Report on an Advanced Course on Toxicologic Pathology of Fish or Aquatic Toxicology.
Prof. Helmut Segner, University of Bern
All the talks can be downloaded by clicking HERE